Research Profiles:
Oncology and functional reconstruction of oral and maxillofacial area, Implant treatment after jaw reconstruction, fundamental research of oral cancer and salivary gland
Research Expertise
Area of Research Expertise:
Establishment of dental implant treatment system after jaw reconstruction, firstly carried out iliac flap reconstruction jaw defect simultaneous implant and immediate denture restoration.
Fundamental research: reconstruct nerve defect with 3D bioprinted scaffolds in pulsed electromagnetic field and get good result.
Academic Publications
1.Huimin Chen, Chengqian Li, Xiaofeng Shan. A study on the morphology of iliac crest based on the objectives of jaw bone defect reconstruction. Clinial oral investigation 2024, 28:390
2.Yifan Kang, Yanjun Ge, Mengkun Ding, Jianfeng LiuFu, Zhigang Cai, XiaoFeng Shan. A comparison of accuracy among different approaches of static-gudiede implant placement in patients treated with mandibular reconstruction: A retrospective study. Clinical Oral Implant Research 2024, 35:251–257.
3.Zichao Wang, Shijun Li, Zongxi Wu, Yifan Kang, Shang Xie, Zhigang Cai, Xiaofeng Shan, Qing Li. Pulsed electromagnetic field-assisted reduced graphene oxide composite 3D printed nerve scaffold promotes sciatic nerve regeneration in rats. Biofabrication 2024,16:035013
4.JianFeng LiuFu, XiaoMing Lv, ZongYan Yang, YiFan Kang, Shang Xie, XiaoFeng Shan, Zhi-Gang Cai. The effect of anterior superior iliac spine preservation on donor site morbidity and function after harvesting a vascularized iliac bone flap. Head Neck 2023, 45(10):2544-2554.
5.ZongYan Yang, YiFan Kang, XiaoMing Lv, JianFeng LiuFu, Lei Zhang, XiaoFeng Shan, ZhiGang Cai. Iliac crest towards alveolar processes or mandibular inferior margin in mandibular reconstruction with a vascularized iliac bone flap: which is better? Clinical Oral Investigations 2023, 27(2):751-758
Honours and Awards
1. Science and Technology Award of Chinese Stomatological Association of 2022, name: Establishment and application of Diagnosis and treatment system for peripheral Facial Nerve Injury, third prize, ranking 3rd.
2. Chinese Hospital Association Hospital Science and Technology Innovation Award of 2023, Project name: Establishment and promotion of standardized diagnosis and treatment mode of digital technology in maxillofacial defect repair and reconstruction, ranking second.