Feng Hailan

Professor 2020-04-22


Research Profiles: 

The Etiology mechanism of Oligodontia 

Research Expertise

Area of Research Expertise:

1. Tooth agenesis is the most common anomalies in humans, and it may contribute to masticatory dysfunction, speech alteration, esthetic problems and malocclusion. Although several potential and verified environmental factors in tooth agenesis have been identified, genetic factor play a major role in the etiology.

2. Syndromic tooth agenesis

3. Non-syndromic tooth agenesis

Academic Publications

1. Yang Liu, Dong Han, Lei Wang, HailanFeng* Down-regulation of Wnt10a affects odontogenesis and proliferation in mesenchymal cells.   Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2013, 434 (4): 717-721.

2. Song S, Zhao R, He H, Zhang J, Feng H, Lin L. WNT10A variants are associated with non-syndromic tooth agenesis in the general population. Hum Genet 2014; 133 (1): 117-124.
3. Wong S, Liu H, Han D, Chang H, Zhao H, Wang Y, Feng H.  A novel non-stop mutation in MSX1 causing autosomal dominant non-syndromicoligodontia.  Mutagenesis. 2014; 29 (5): 319-323. 
4. Zhao N, Han D, liu Y., Li Y., Zeng l., Wang y.x., Feng h. l.  DLX3 negatively regulates osteoclastic differentiation through microRNA-124. Exp Cell Res. 2016 Feb 15; 341 (2): 166-176.

5. Ping Yu, WenliYang, Dong Han, Xi Wang, SenGuo, JinchenLi, Fang Li, XiaoxiaZhang, SingwaiWong, BaojingBa, Yao Liu, Jie Du, Zhong Sheng Sun, SongtaoShi, HailanFeng, Tao Cai Mutations in WNT10B Are Identified in Individuals with Oligodontia.   AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 2016, 99 (1): 195-201.

6. Na Zhao, Dong Han, Haochen Liu, Yue Li, Sing-wai Wong, Zhengyi Cao, JianXu, Xiaowei Zhang, Tao Cai, Yixiang Wang, HailanFeng. Senescence: Novel insightion DLX3 mutations leading to enhanced bone formation in Teicho-Dento-Osseous syndrome. Scientific Reports 2017; 6: 38680/DOI :10.1038sre p38680.

Honours and Awards

2011,2018 got the Beijing Scienceand Technology Progress Award respectively

2018 got the Chinese Oral Medicine Award