Research Profiles:
1. Sialendoscopic treatment for salivary gland diseases
2. Imaging diagnosis for oral and maxillofacial diseases
Research Expertise
Area of Research Expertise:
1. Endoscopy-assisted treatment for salivary gland calculus and sialadenitis
2. CBCT study for dental diseases
3. Imaging diagnosis of oral and maxillofacial tumors
Academic Publications
English papers in recent 5 years
1. Liu DG, Jiang L, Xie XY, Zhang ZY, et al.Sialoendoscopy-Assisted Sialolithectomy for Submandibular Hilar Calculi. JOMS, 2013, 71: 295-301.
2. Ye Xin, Zhang Yaqiong, XieXiaoyan, et al. Transoral and transcutaneous approach for removal of parotid gland calculi: a 10-year endoscopic experience. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol, 2017, 124 (2): 121-127.
3. Zhang YQ, Meng Y, Liu DG, Zhao YN. Morphologic analysis of maxillary sinus floor and its correlation to molar roots using cone-beam computed tomography. Chinese journal of Dental Research. CJDR, 2019, 22 (1)29-36.
4. Zhang YQ, Zhao YN, Liu DG, Meng Y, Ma XC. Bifid variations of the mandibular canal: cone beam computed tomography evaluation of 1000 Northern Chinese patients. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol. 2018 126: e271-e278.
5. Zhang YQ, Ye X, Meng Y, Zhao YN, Liu DG, Yu GY. Evaluation of Parotid GlandFunction Before and AfterEndoscopy-AssistedStoneRemoval. J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2019, 77 (2): 328.e1-328.e9.
6. Meng Y, Zhao YN, Zhang YQ, Liu DG, Gao Y. Three-dimensional radiographic features of ameloblastoma and cystic lesions in the maxilla.DentomaxillofacRadiol. 2019 Sep; 48 (6): 20190066.
7. ZhaoYN,ZhangYQ,ZhangLQ,XieXX,LiuDG,YuGY. Treatment strategy of hilar and intraglandular stones in wharton's duct: A 12-year experience.Laryngoscope. 2019 Nov 6. doi: 10.1002/lary.28361. [Epub ahead of print].
8. ZhangYQ,YanXB,ZhangLQ,Xie XX, Liu DG, Zhang ZY. Prevalence and Morphology of Mandibular Incisive Canal: Comparision among Healthy, Periodontitis and Edentulous Mandibles in a Population of the Beijing Area Using Cone Beam Computed Tomography. CJDR. 2019, 22 (4) 1-9.