2019年发表SCI 一览表 (* 通讯作者)
1、Yan Wei , Shengjie Jiang , Mengting Si , Chuanliang Feng,* Xuliang Deng* et al. ( 作者:卫彦、江圣杰 、司梦婷、冯传良*、邓旭亮*)(IF:25.809)
Chirality Controls Mesenchymal Stem Cell Lineage Diversification through Mechanoresponses
Advanced materials 2019-04-01
2、Yan Lv, Ying Huang , Xuliang Deng* et al.( 作者:吕岩、黄颖、邓旭亮*)(IF:15.804)
The miR‐193a‐3p‐MAP3k3 Signaling Axis Regulates Substrate Topography‐Induced Osteogenesis of Bone Marrow Stem Cells
Advanced Science 2019-11-13
3、Yan Liu , Dan Luo , Yanheng Zhou* , Yan Liu* ,Tie Wang* et al.( 作者:刘燕、罗聃(外)、周彦恒*、刘燕*、王铁(外)*)(IF:15.621)
Advanced functional materials 2019-03-07
4、Shan-Shan Jin , Yan Liu* et al.( 作者:金姗姗、刘燕*)(IF:13.903)
ACS nano 2019/5/24
5、Xiao Xu , Yongliang Li , Shicheng Wei*, Lei Zhanga* et al.( 作者:许晓、李永亮、魏世成*、张雷*)(IF:10.273)
Biomaterials 2019-08-01
6、Jia-Zeng Su , Guang-Yan Yu* et al.( 作者:苏家增、俞光岩*)(IF:9.108)
Ocular surface 2019-07-01
7、Yujie Sun , Zhihui Tang* et al.( 作者:孙玉洁、唐志辉*)(IF:8.456)
Dual-Functional Implants with Antibacterial and Osteointegration-Promoting Performance
ACS applied materials & interfaces 2019-10-09
8、Tengjiaozi Fang , Lihong Ge* et al.( 作者:方滕姣子、葛立宏*)(IF:8.355)
Chemical engineering journal 2019-03-16
9、Yi Deng , Shi-Cheng Wei* et al.( 作者:邓怡、魏世成*)(IF:8.052)
NPG Asia Materials 2019-07-12
10、Zhuqing Wan , Longwei Lv*, Yongsheng Zhoui* et al.( 作者:万竹青、吕珑薇*、周永胜*)(IF:6.638)
Four-dimensional bioprinting: Current developments and applications in bone tissue engineering
Acta biomaterialia 2019-10-28
11、Jinglun Zhang , Yan Liu* et al.( 作者:张敬伦、刘燕*)(IF:6.27)
Dual Function of Magnesium in Bone Biomineralization
Advanced healthcare materials 2019-11-04
12、Ya-Jing Liang , Kai-Yuan Fu * et al.( 作者:梁雅婧、傅开元*)(IF:6.17)
Contribution of microglial reaction to increased nociceptive responses in high-fat-diet (HFD)-induced obesity in male mice
brain behavior and immunity 2019-08-01
13、Tingting Yu , Ruili Yang * et al.( 作者:余婷婷、杨瑞莉*)(IF:5.959)
Cell death & disease 2019-10-14
14、Zhang Min , Zhang Ping * , Zhou Yongsheng * et al.( 作者:张敏、张萍*、周永胜*)(IF:5.959)
Asymmetrical methyltransferase PRMT3 regulates human mesenchymal stem cell osteogenesis via miR-3648
Cell death & disease 2019-08-09
15、Dandan Xia , Yunsong Liu * et al.( 作者:夏丹丹、刘云松*)(IF:5.636)
In vitro and in vivo investigation on biodegradable Mg-Li-Ca alloys for bone implant application
Science China-Materials 2019-02-01
16、ZHENG LI , PING ZHANG , YONGSHENG ZHOU * et al.( 作者:李峥、张萍*、周永胜*)(IF:5.614)
Stem cells 2019-12-10
17、Wenxue Huang , Wenjie Hu* ,Jianxia Hou* et al.( 作者:黄文雪、侯建霞*、胡文杰*)(IF:5.237)
Clinical science 2019-01-11
18、X.X. Xu , Y. Cao* ,Q.F. Xie* et al.( 作者:徐啸翔、曹烨*、谢秋菲*)(IF:5.125)
ACC Plasticity Maintains Masseter Hyperalgesia Caused by Occlusal Interference
Journal of dental research 2019-05-01
19、Lei Lei , Ting Jiang* et al.( 作者:雷蕾、姜婷*)(IF:5.047)
Journal of materials chemistry. B 2019-03-01
20、Si Chen ,Yiman Tang , Lingfei Jia* , Yongsheng Zhou* et al.( 作者:陈思、汤祎熳、贾凌飞*、周永胜*)(IF:5.039)
Cell proliferation 2019-09-01
21、Yunfei Zheng , Yi Deng* et al.( 作者:郑云飞、邓怡*)(IF:5.039)
Dual therapeutic cobalt-incorporated bioceramics accelerate bone tissue regeneration
Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications 2019-02-07
22、Ruoxi Liu , Qiong Nie* et al.( 作者:刘若曦、聂琼*)(IF:4.713)
Advanced materials interfaces 2019-04-09
23、Mengjun Zhang , Lingfei Jia , Yunfei Zheng* et al.( 作者:张孟钧、贾凌飞、郑云飞*)(IF:4.697)
circRNA Expression Profiles in Human Bone Marrow Stem Cells Undergoing Osteoblast Differentiation
Stem cell reviews and reports 2019-02-01
24、Tingting Yu , Dawei Liu* et al.( 作者:余婷婷、柳大为*)(IF:4.697)
Stem cell reviews and reports 2019-12-03
25、Xuenan Liu , Ping Zhang* , Yunsong Liu* et al.( 作者:刘雪楠、张萍*、刘云松*)(IF:4.697)
Stem cell reviews and reports 2019-07-19
26、Xiaolong Zang , E. Xiao* , Yi Zhang* et al.( 作者:臧晓龙、肖锷*、张益*)(IF:4.697)
Stem cell reviews and reports 2019-06-01
27、 Yuejun Wang , Ping Zhang * , Yongsheng Zhou* et al.( 作者:王月君、张萍*、周永胜*)(IF:4.697)
Stem cell reviews and reports 2019-02-13
28、 Qian Li , Shicheng Wei* et al.( 作者:李倩、魏世成*)(IF:4.697)
Stem cell reviews and reports 2019-01-01
29、 Siqi Yi , Qingxian Luan* et al.( 作者:易思琦、栾庆先*)(IF:4.522)
MFN2 silencing promotes neural differentiation of embryonic stem cells via the Akt signaling pathway
Journal of cellular physiology 2019-07-05
30、 Xiaohan Ma , Cong Fan* et al.( 作者:马小涵、范聪*)(IF:4.522)
Journal of cellular physiology 2019-06-06
31、 Xue‐Ming Zhang , GuangYan Yu* et al.( 作者:张雪明、俞光岩*)(IF:4.522)
Journal of cellular physiology 2019-06-01
32、 Ningxin Zhu , Yuanyuan Wang* et al.( 作者:朱宁馨、王媛媛*)(IF:4.511)
Silver-Doped Bioactive Glass/Chitosan Hydrogel with Potential Application in Dental Pulp Repair
ACS biomaterials science & engineering 2019-09-30
33、 Yunyang Bai, Xuliang Deng* , Xuehui Zhang* et al.( 作者:白云洋、张学慧*、邓旭亮*)(IF:4.471)
International journal of nanomedicine 2019/4/30
34、 Hao Liu, Yunsong Liu * , Yongsheng Zhou* et al.( 作者:刘浩、周永胜*、刘云松*)(IF:4.455)
Therapeutic advances in chronic disease 2019-05-01
35、 Lin Wang, Chuanbin Guo* et al.( 作者:王琳、郭传瑸*)(IF:4.259)
Frontiers in microbiology 2019-05-09
36、 Hongye Lu, Lu He* , Huanxin Meng* et al.( 作者:卢洪叶、和璐*、孟焕新*)(IF:4.164)
Microbiome in maintained periodontitis and its shift over a single maintenance interval of 3 months
Journal of clinical periodontology 2019-10-18
37、 Juan Liu, Yixiang Wang* , Huanxin Meng* et al.( 作者:刘娟、王衣祥*、孟焕新*)(IF:4.164)
Journal of clinical periodontology 2019-09-01
38、 Ting Shuai, Xiao-Ling Liu* et al.( 作者:帅婷、李秀娥*)(IF:4.164)
Frontiers in oncology 2019-03-22
39、 Xiaowei Wu, Yan Gu* ( 作者:吴晓伟、谷岩*)(IF:4.067)
Signaling Mechanisms Underlying Genetic Pathophysiology of Craniosynostosis
International journal of biological sciences 2019-01-01
40、 Yushu Liu, YongshengZhou* et al.( 作者:柳玉树、周永胜*)(IF:4.011)
The development of a 3D colour reproduction system of digital impressions with an intraoral scanner and a 3D printer: a preliminary study
Scientific reports 2019-12-27
41、 LongXia, Yi Zhang* et al.( 作者:夏龙、张益*)(IF:4.011)
Scientific reports 2019/7/19
42、 Hu Chen, Peijun Lyu* et al.( 作者:陈虎、吕培军*)(IF:4.011)
Scientific reports 2019-03-01
43、 Kehui Deng, Hu Chen,YongshengZhou* , Yuchun Sun* et al.( 作者:邓珂慧、陈虎、孙玉春*、周永胜*)(IF:4.011)
Clinical evaluation of tissue stops on 3D-printed custom trays
Scientific reports 2019-02-12
44、 Xiaoxia Li ,Yixiang Wang * , Lihong Ge* et al.( 作者:李晓霞、葛立宏*、王衣祥*)(IF:3.902)
Stem Cells International 2019-02-14
45、 Zixin Li, Min Yu ,Danqing He * , Yanheng Zhou * , Yan Liu* et al.( 作者:李紫昕、于敏、刘燕*、何丹青*、周彦恒*)(IF:3.845)
stess distribution and collagen remodeling of periodontal ligament during orthodontic tooth movement
Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019/10/24
46、 Zewen Han ,Yixiang Wang * , Chuanbin Guo * et al.( 作者:韩泽文、郭传瑸*、王衣祥*)(IF:3.845)
Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019-01-09
47、 Yifan Zhang , Ping Di * , Ye Lin * et al.( 作者:张一凡、邸萍*、林野*)(IF:3.845)
Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019-11-07
48、 Jianzhang Liu ,Yongsheng Zhou * et al.( 作者:刘建彰、周永胜*)(IF:3.845)
Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019-07-06
49、 Shaoxia Pan ,Shaoxia Pan * et al.( 作者:潘韶霞、潘韶霞*)(IF:3.845)
Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019-07-01
50、 Liping Zhao ,Wenjie Hu * et al.( 作者:赵丽萍、胡文杰*)(IF:3.845)
Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019-04-01
51、 Yunfan Zhang , Bing Han* , Tingting Yu* et al.( 作者:张云帆、韩冰*、余婷婷*)(IF:3.782)
Frontiers in chemistry 2019-10-17
52、 Qing Li , Peijun Lyu* et al.( 作者:李箐、吕培军*)(IF:3.616)
Tissue Engineering Part A 2019-09-01
53、 LI-HUA XU , XI-YUAN GE* , SHENG-LIN LI* et al.( 作者:许礼华、李盛林*、葛兮源*)(IF:3.571)
MYB promotes the growth and metastasis of salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma
International journal of oncology 2019-05-31
54、 WENWEN LI , YIXIANG WANG * , HONGWEI LIU* et al.( 作者:李文文、王衣祥*、刘宏伟*)(IF:3.571)
International journal of oncology 2019-05-09
55、 Yiping Wei , Wenjie Hu* et al.( 作者:危伊萍、胡文杰*)(IF:3.518)
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 2019-03-01
56、 Enbo Wang , Xu-Liang Deng* et al.( 作者:王恩博、邓旭亮*)(IF:3.382)
Regenerative Biomaterials 2019-03-01
57、 Ma Yanyan , Gao Xuemei* et al.( 作者:马燕燕、高雪梅*)(IF:3.36)
Sleep medicine 2019-01-29
58、 X L Guo , G Li* et al.( 作者:郭小龙、李刚*)(IF:3.331)
Accuracy of detecting vertical root fractures in non-root filled teeth using cone beam computed tomography: effect of voxel size and fracture width
International endodontic journal 2019-06-01
59、 Y. Wang , Y. H. Liang* et al.( 作者:王月、梁宇红*)(IF:3.331)
International endodontic journal 2019-03-01
60、 Haixia Xing , Masatoshi Ando* et al.( 作者:邢海霞、Masatoshi Ando*)(IF:3.28)
Journal of Dentistry 2019-11-01
61、 Meng-Long Hu , Jian-Min Han* et al.( 作者:胡孟龙、韩建民*)(IF:3.28)
Network meta-analysis on the effect of desensitizing toothpastes on dentine hypersensitivity
Journal of Dentistry 2019-09-02
62、 Ningxin Zhu , Yuanyuan Wang* et al.( 作者:朱宁馨、王媛媛*)(IF:3.28)
Biological properties of modified bioactive glass on dental pulp cells
Journal of Dentistry 2019-05-01
63、Dawei Liu , Dawei Liu* ,Yanheng Zhou* et al.( 作者:柳大为、柳大为*、周彦恒*)(IF:3.28)
American journal of translational research 2019-01-30
64、Yifei Zhang , Qian Zhang* ( 作者:张翼飞、张倩*)(IF:3.224)
Antimicrobial resistance and infection control 2019/2/4
65、Huidan Shen , Ping Di* et al.( 作者:沈惠丹、邸萍*)(IF:3.212)
Clinical assessment of implant-supported full-arch immediate prostheses over 6 months of function
Clinical implant dentistry and related research 2019-07-01
66、Xi Jiang , Ping Di* et al.( 作者:蒋析、邸萍*)(IF:3.212)
Clinical implant dentistry and related research 2019-06-04
67、Jiehua Tian , Donghao Wei , Ping Di* et al.( 作者:田杰华、魏冬豪、邸萍*)(IF:3.212)
Clinical implant dentistry and related research 2019-05-06
68、Huajie Yu , Lixin Qiu* ( 作者:尉华杰、邱立新*)(IF:3.212)
Clinical implant dentistry and related research 2019-02-07
69、Yue Zhai , Lihong Ge* et al.( 作者:翟越、葛立宏*)(IF:3.201)
Frontiers in physiology 2019-10-01
70、Ying Han , Hongwei Liu* et al.( 作者:韩莹、刘宏伟*)(IF:3.201)
Primary Clinical Evaluation of Photodynamic Therapy With Oral Leukoplakia in Chinese Patients
Frontiers in physiology 22019-01-01
71、Mengqi Zhang , Xiaomo Liu ,Jiuxiang Lin* et al.( 作者:张梦琦、刘晓默、林久祥*)(IF:3.192)
Surface & coatings technology 2019-01-23
72、 Yan Huang , Guang-Yan Yu* et al.( 作者:黄燕、俞光岩*)(IF:3.182)
Journal of cancer 2019-10-17
73、 Xiao-Xia Li , Li-Hong Ge* et al.( 作者:李晓霞、葛立宏*)(IF:3.147)
Stem cells and development 2019-11-04
74、 Ting Ma , Xi-Yuan Ge , Yu Zhang*, Ye Lin* et al.( 作者:马婷、葛兮源,、张宇*、林野*)(IF:3.049)
RSC Advances 2019-03-13
75、 Shuai Chen , He-Yu Zhang*, Tie-Jun Li* et al.( 作者:陈帅、李铁军*、张荷钰*)(IF:3.046)
OncoTargets and Therapy 2019-12-24
76、 Xing Wang , Hongwei Liu* et al.( 作者:王兴、刘宏伟*)(IF:3.046)
OncoTargets and Therapy 2019-05-17
77、 Wen-Jie Wu , Ming-Wei Huang * et al.( 作者:伍文杰、黄明伟*)(IF:3)
Texture analysis of pretreatment [18F]FDG PET/CT for the prognostic prediction of locally advanced salivary gland carcinoma treated with interstitial brachytherapy
EJNMMI Research 2019-09-11
78、Fusong Yuan , Yuchun Sun * et al.( 作者:原福松、孙玉春*)(IF:2.801)
Accuracy of chair-side fused-deposition modelling for dental applications
Rapid prototyping journal 2019-05-01
79、Shiming Liu , Yuchun Sun * et al.( 作者:刘诗铭、Irena Sailer*)(IF:2.787)
Reliability of a three-dimensional facial camera for dental and medical applications: A pilot study
Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2019-09-01
80、Hu Chen , Hong Li , Peijun Lyu * et al.( 作者:陈虎、李虹、吕培军*)(IF:2.787)
Adaptation of removable partial denture frameworks fabricated by selective laser melting
Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2019-09-01
81、Xiaoqiang Liu , Jianzhang Liu * et al.( 作者:刘晓强、刘建彰*)(IF:2.787)
Passively fitting implant-supported complete-arch interim restoration
Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2019-05-01
82、Li Chen , Lin W. S.* et al.( 作者:陈立、Lin W. S.*)(IF:2.787)
Accuracy, reproducibility, and dimensional stability of additively manufactured surgical templates
Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2019-04-06
83、Hanqi Gao ,Jianzhang Liu* et al.( 作者:高涵琪、刘建彰*)(IF:2.787)
Journal of prosthetic dentistry 2019-04-01
84、Likuan Wang ,Xudong Yang , Likuan Wang* et al.( 作者:王立宽、杨旭东、王立宽*)(IF:2.782)
Juvenile Rats Show Altered Gut Microbiota After Exposure to Isoflurane as Neonates
Neurochemical research 2019-04-11
85、Jing Ma ,Jiu-hui Jiang* et al.( 作者:马静、江久汇*)(IF:2.776)
PLoS One 2019-03-25
86、Xiyan Pei ,Xiangying Ouyang* et al.( 作者:裴喜燕、欧阳翔英*)(IF:2.768)
Journal of periodontology 2019-07-30
87、Yunyan Zhu ,Yanheng Zhou , Weiran Li* et al.( 作者:朱云艳、李巍然*、周彦恒*)(IF:2.768)
Journal of periodontology 2019-04-18
88、Bin Zhu ,Huanxin Meng* et al.( 作者:朱斌、孟焕新*)(IF:2.768)
Journal of periodontology 2019-03-01
89、Wenjing Li ,Huanxin Meng* et al.( 作者:李文静、孟焕新*)(IF:2.768)
Journal of periodontology 2019-01-10
90、Guangyan Yu ,Guangyan Yu* et al.( 作者:俞光岩、俞光岩*)(IF:2.75)
Conservative and functional surgery in the treatment of salivary gland tumours
International journal of oral science 2019-08-15
91、Jiemei Zhai ,Feng Chen* , Tiejun Li* et al.( 作者:翟洁梅、李铁军*、陈峰*)(IF:2.75)
International journal of oral science 2019-01-05
92、Sheng-Jie Cui , Xue-Dong Wang* , Yan-Heng Zhou* et al.( 作者:崔圣洁、王雪东*、周彦恒*)(IF:2.75)
International journal of oral science 2019-01-01
93、Yifei Zhang, Yifei Zhang* et al.( 作者:张翼飞、张翼飞*)(IF:2.742)
Journal of oral microbiology 2019-04-11
94、Han Tang , Chao Yuan , Xiangyu Sun* , Shuguo Zheng* et al.( 作者:唐菡、袁超、孙翔宇*、郑树国*)(IF:2.735)
Clinica chimica acta 2019-08-01
95、Shichen Sun , Dong Han* ,Haochen Liu* et al.( 作者:孙仕晨、韩冬*、刘浩辰*)(IF:2.705)
Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2019-08-13
96、Zhuangzhuang Fan ,Dong Han* ,Yang Liu* et al.( 作者:樊壮壮、韩冬*、刘洋*)(IF:2.625)
Oral diseases 2019-10-08
97、Jiafei Qu , Jianyun Zhang ,Tiejun Li* ,Feng Chen* et al.( 作者:曲佳菲、张建运、李铁军*、陈峰*)(IF:2.625)
Oral diseases 2019-09-02
98、Lijun Hu ,Zhimin Yan* et al.( 作者:胡利君、闫志敏*)(IF:2.625)
Effects of Streptococcus salivarius K12 with nystatin on oral candidiasis - RCT
Oral diseases 2019-06-08
99、Zhi‐Hao Du , Chong Ding ,Sheng‐Lin Li* , Guang‐Yan Yu* et al.( 作者:杜志豪、丁冲、俞光岩*、李盛林*)(IF:2.625)
Stem cells from exfoliated deciduous teeth alleviate hyposalivation caused by Sjögren syndrome
Oral diseases 2019-05-29
100、Xian'e Wang, Huanxin Meng* et al.( 作者:王宪娥、孟焕新*)(IF:2.613)
Journal of periodontal research 2019-10-01
101、Xing Wang ,Ying Han* , Hongwei Liu* et al.( 作者:王兴、韩莹*、刘宏伟*)(IF:2.589)
Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy 2019-08-31
102、Xing Wang , Hongwei Liu* et al.( 作者:王兴、刘宏伟*)(IF:2.589)
Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy 2019-01-08
103、Lijun Hua , Chun He , Zhimin Yan* et al.( 作者:胡利君、何淳、闫志敏*)(IF:2.581)
Microbial pathogenesis 2019-06-05
104、Peiru Zhou , Hong Hua* et al.( 作者:周培茹、华红*)(IF:2.535)
Bioscience reports 2019-11-13
105、Shang Xie , Xiao-Feng Shan* , Zhi-Gang Cai* et al.( 作者:谢尚、单小峰*、蔡志刚*)(IF:2.535)
Botulinum toxin Type A interrupts autophagic flux of submandibular gland
Bioscience reports 2019-07-01
106、Peng Chen , Jian-Guo Zhang* et al.( 作者:陈鹏、张建国*)(IF:2.486)
125 I interstitial brachytherapy in management of pediatric skull base tumors
Pediatric blood & cancer 2019-05-01
107、Min Yu , Yan Liu* , Jing Qiao* et al.( 作者:于敏、乔静*、刘燕*)(IF:2.453)
Cytokine release kinetics of concentrated growth factors in different scaffolds
Clinical oral investigations 2019-04-19
108、Xiao-Long Guo , Gang Li* et al.( 作者:郭小龙、李刚*)(IF:2.453)
Clinical oral investigations 2019-04-13
109、Ruodan Jiang ,Hong Lin* et al.( 作者:蒋若丹、林红*)(IF:2.453)
Effects of two disinfection/sterilization methods for dentin specimens on dentin permeability
Clinical oral investigations 2019-02-01
110、Peiqi Meng ,Jieni Zhang* , Jiuxiang Lin* et al.( 作者:孟沛琦、张杰铌*、林久祥*)(IF:2.448)
Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine 2019-09-07
111、Jinglei Zheng , Haochen Liu , Yuan Zhan ,Dong Han* et al.( 作者:郑静蕾、刘浩辰、战园、韩冬*)(IF:2.448)
Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine 2019-06-01
112、Zhi-Yuan Wu ,Jie Zhang* et al.( 作者:吴志远、张杰*)(IF:2.442)
Head and neck-journal for the sciences and specialties of the head and neck 2019-09-01
113、Wenxue Huang ,Jianxia Hou* , Huanxin Meng* et al.( 作者:黄文雪、侯建霞*、孟焕新*)(IF:2.425)
Ferritin expression in the periodontal tissues of primates
European journal of histochemistry 2019-09-03
114、Jing Xie ,Yuanyuan Wang* et al.( 作者:谢静、王媛媛*)(IF:2.361)
Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2019-06-01
115、Nanquan Rao , Xiaotong Wang ,Yuming Zhao* , Lihong Ge* et al.( 作者:饶南荃、汪晓彤、葛立宏*、赵玉鸣*)(IF:2.361)
Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome 2019-02-28
116、Wenjing Li ,Lu He * , Huanxin Meng* et al.( 作者:李文静、和璐*、孟焕新*)(IF:2.353)
TLR4 polymorphisms may increase susceptibility to periodontitis in Pg-positive individuals
Peer J 2019-11-21
117、Junxin Zhu ,Xiaoyan Wang* et al.( 作者:朱浚鑫、王晓燕*)(IF:2.353)
Peer J 2019/9/12
118、Zhaoyou Wang ,Wensheng Rong* et al.( 作者:王兆有、荣文笙*)(IF:2.353)
Prevalence and contributing factors of dental caries of 6-year-old children in four regions of China
Peer J 2019-05-31
119、Shuo Liu ,Xin Peng* et al.( 作者:刘硕、彭歆*)(IF:2.343)
Free Flap Transfer for Pediatric Head and Neck Reconstruction: What Factors Influence Flap Survival?
Laryngoscope 2019-10-25
120、Jie Lei , Kai-Yuan Fu* et al.( 作者:雷杰、傅开元*)(IF:2.341)
Condylar repair and regeneration in adolescents/young adults with early-stage degenerative temporomandibular joint disease: a randomized controlled study
journal of oral rehabilitation 2019-08-01
121、Min Yu , Xuemei Gao* ( 作者:于敏、高雪梅*)(IF:2.341)
Tongue pressure distribution of individual normal occlusions and exploration of related factors
journal of oral rehabilitation 2019-03-01
122、Lei Zheng ,Lei Zheng* et al.( 作者:郑磊、郑磊*)(IF:2.228)
Intraoral anastomosis of a vascularized iliac-crest flap in maxillofacial reconstruction
Journal of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery 2019-05-01
123、Siwen Wang ,Yuhua Liu* et al.( 作者:王思雯、刘玉华*)(IF:2.197)
Biomed research international 2019-11-16
124、Miao Yu , Yang Liu ,Dong Han* et al.( 作者:余淼、刘洋、韩冬*)(IF:2.197)
Biomed research international 2019-01-07
125、Yi-Zhou Jin ,Ye-Hua Gan* et al.( 作者:靳亦舟、甘业华*)(IF:2.173)
Neuroscience letters 2019-08-10
126、Wenjun Li ,Fusong Yuan* , Peijun Lyu* et al.( 作者:李文君、原福松*、吕培军*)(IF:2.076)
Neuroscience letters 2019-01-01
127、Lijun Hu ,Zhimin Yan* et al.( 作者:胡利君、闫志敏*)(IF:2.048)
BMC oral health 2019-07-10
128、Zhongpeng Yang , Ruoping Jiang* et al.( 作者:杨仲鹏、姜若萍*)(IF:2.048)
Deviations in palatal region between indirect and direct digital models: an in vivo study
BMC oral health 2019-07-10
129、Can Can Fan , Wen Hui Wang ,Tao Xu* , Shu Guo Zheng* ( 作者:樊灿灿、王文辉、郑树国*、徐韬*)(IF:2.048)
Risk factors of early childhood caries (ECC) among children in Beijing - a prospective cohort study
BMC oral health 2019-02-28
130、Tianjiao Wang , Lin Wang , Chuan‐Bin Guo* et al.( 作者:王天娇、王琳、郭传瑸*)(IF:2.03)
Journal of oral pathology & medicine 2019-04-04
131、Guo-Hao Zhang , Xiao-Ming Lv , Jian-Guo Zhang* et al.( 作者:张国昊、吕晓鸣、张建国*)(IF:2.03)
Brachytherapy 2019-03-29
132、W. Qi , G.-Y. Yu* et al.( 作者:齐伟、俞光岩*)(IF:1.961)
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-12-10
133、W.-J. Wu, L. Zheng , J.-G. Zhang* et al.( 作者:伍文杰、郑磊、J.-G. Zhang*)(IF:1.961)
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-09-01
134、Y.-F. Kang , X.-F. Shan* , Z.-G. Cai* et al.( 作者:康一帆、单小峰*、蔡志刚*)(IF:1.961)
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-08-01
135、Meng Liu ,Yi Zhang* et al.( 作者:刘梦、张益*)(IF:1.961)
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-07-01
136、W. Zhou ,X. Peng* et al.( 作者:周维、彭歆*)(IF:1.961)
Are antithrombotic agents necessary for head and neck microvascular surgery?
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-06-06
137、 Y. Yang ,X. Peng* et al.( 作者:杨悦、彭歆*)(IF:1.961)
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-05-01
138、 L. Xia ,Y. Zhang* et al.( 作者:夏龙、张益*)(IF:1.961)
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-04-01
139、 X. F. Shan ,Z.-G. Cai* et al.( 作者:单小峰、蔡志刚*)(IF:1.961)
Botulinum toxin A treatment of epiphora secondary to autologous submandibular gland transplantation
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-04-01
140、L. Zhang , J.-Z. Su ,G.-Y. Yu* et al.( 作者:张雷、苏家增、俞光岩*)(IF:1.961)
International journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-01-01
141、Ru Sun , Lisha Sun ,Zhipeng Sun* et al.( 作者:孙儒、孙丽莎、孙志鹏*)(IF:1.942)
Journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery 2019/9/2
142、Yao Sun , Lei Zhang* , Yuchun Sun* et al.( 作者:孙瑶、张磊*、孙玉春*)(IF:1.942)
Journal of cranio-maxillo-facial surgery 2019-03-19
143、Qing Du ,Sun Zhang * , Qian Zhang* et al.( 作者:杜晴、张笋*、张倩*)(IF:1.913)
Photomedicine and laser surgery 2019-05-07
144、Qian Li ,Yanheng Zhou* et al.( 作者:李倩、周彦恒*)(IF:1.88)
Angle orthodontist 2019-09-26
145、Fan-Fan Dai , Guang Shu* et al.( 作者:戴帆帆、舒广*)(IF:1.88)
Angle orthodontist 2019-03-28
146、Yixin Zhang , Weiran Li* et al.( 作者:张亦欣、李巍然*)(IF:1.88)
Angle orthodontist 2019-03-01
147、Yichen Pan , Si Chen* ( 作者:潘一琛、陈斯*)(IF:1.88)
Angle orthodontist 2019-03-01
148、Hao Liu , Yiping Huang , Weiran Li* et al.( 作者:刘浩、黄一平、李巍然*)(IF:1.88)
Long noncoding RNA expression profile of mouse cementoblasts under compressive force
Angle orthodontist 2019-01-02
149、Jing Huang , Jiuhui Jiang* , Cuiying Li* et al.( 作者:黄婧、江久汇*、李翠英*)(IF:1.87)
Medicine 2019-10-17
150、Yiping Huang , Weiran Li* et al.( 作者:黄一平、李巍然*)(IF:1.841)
The long non-coding RNA landscape of periodontal ligament stem cells subjected to compressive force
European journal of orthodontics 2019-07-01
151、Lyu M, Zheng Y, Lin Y*, Di P.* et al.( 作者:吕鸣樾、郑云飞、林野*、邸萍*)(IF:1.81)
European journal of oral sciences 2019-06-01
152、Baocheng Yao , Yang He,Yi Zhang* et al.( 作者:姚保成、贺洋、张益*)(IF:1.781)
Reconstruction of Bilateral Post-Traumatic Midfacial Defects Assisted by Three-Dimensional Craniomaxillofacial Data in Normal Chinese people A Preliminary Study
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-11-11
153、Wen-Bo Zhang , Xin Peng* et al.( 作者:章文博、彭歆*)(IF:1.781)
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-11-01
154、Ning Xu , Jian-Guo Zhang* et al.( 作者:许宁、张建国*)(IF:1.781)
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-10-01
155、Bimeng Jie , Yang He* et al.( 作者:揭璧朦、贺洋*)(IF:1.781)
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-08-08
156、Li-Hang Shen , Yi Zhange* et al.( 作者:沈力航、张益*)(IF:1.781)
High-Throughput Sequencing Analysis of Microbial Profiles in the Dry Socket
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-08-01
157、Shuo Chen , Yi Zhange* et al.( 作者:陈硕、张益*)(IF:1.781)
Recurrence-Related Factors of Temporomandibular Joint Ankylosis: A 10-Year Experience
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-07-01
158、Wei Wang, Zhi-gang Cai* et al.( 作者:王威、蔡志刚*)(IF:1.781)
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-06-01
159、Shuang Yang, Guang-Yan Yu* et al.( 作者:杨爽、俞光岩*)(IF:1.781)
Rate of Submandibular Gland Involvement in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-05-18
160、Lei Zheng, Lei Zheng* et al.( 作者:郑磊、郑磊*)(IF:1.781)
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-05-01
161、Ya-Qiong Zhang, Deng-Gao Liu* et al.( 作者:张亚琼、柳登高*)(IF:1.781)
Evaluation of Parotid Gland Function Before and After Endoscopy-Assisted Stone Removal
Journal of oral and maxillofacial surgery 2019-02-01
162、Houwei Zhu, Zhigang Cai* , Xiaofeng Shan* et al.( 作者:朱厚维、蔡志刚*、单小峰*)(IF:1.734)
Dental implant rehabilitation after jaw reconstruction assisted by virtual surgical planning
The international journal of oral & maxillofacial implants 2019-09-01
163、Liu YP , Di P* et al.( 作者:刘焱萍、邸萍*)(IF:1.734)
Accuracy of multi-implant impressions using 3D-printing custom trays and splinting versus conventional techniques for complete arches
The international journal of oral & maxillofacial implants 2019-03-04
164、Pengcheng Jia ,Wenjie Hu* et al.( 作者:贾鹏程、胡文杰*)(IF:1.69)
Oral Surgery Oral medicine oral pathology oral radiology 2019-11-01
165、Ya-Qiong Zhang ,Deng-Gao Liu* et al.( 作者:张亚琼、柳登高*)(IF:1.69)
Oral Surgery Oral medicine oral pathology oral radiology 2019-11-01
166、Boon Chin Heng ,Chengfei Zhang* et al.( 作者:Boon Chin Heng、ChengfeiZhang*)(IF:1.663)
Small molecules enhance neurogenic differentiation of dental-derived adult stem cells.
Archives of oral biology 2019-07-31
167、Liu Guannan , Zhu Junxia* et al.( 作者:刘冠楠、朱俊霞*)(IF:1.663)
A novel missense mutation p.S305R of EDA gene causes XLHED in a Chinese family
Archives of oral biology 2019/7/24
168、Miao Yu , Yang Liu*, Dong Han* et al.( 作者:余淼、韩冬*、刘洋*)(IF:1.663)
BMP4 mutations in tooth agenesis and low bone mass
Archives of oral biology 2019-07-08
169、Xiaojing Cao , Lu He*, Huanxin Meng* et al.( 作者:曹晓静、和璐*、孟焕新*)(IF:1.663)
Archives of oral biology 2019-07-01
170、Shichen Sun , Haochen Liua* , Dong Hana* et al.( 作者:孙仕晨、韩冬*、刘浩辰*)(IF:1.663)
Archives of oral biology 2019-05-01
171、Qian Li , Yanheng Zhou* , Qian Li* et al.( 作者:李倩、周彦恒*、李倩*)(IF:1.663)
Archives of oral biology 2019-04-18
172、Li Zeng , Dong Hana* , Zeyun Ma* et al.( 作者:李倩、周彦恒*、李倩*)(IF:1.663)
DLX3 epigenetically regulates odontoblastic differentiation of hDPCs through H19/miR-675 axis
Archives of oral biology 2019-04-15
173、Xiaoxi Cuia , Jianru Liu, Xiangying Ouyang* et al.( 作者:崔晓曦、刘健如、欧阳翔英*)(IF:1.663)
Archives of oral biology 2019-02-01
174、Yang Liu , Shuguo Zheng* , Chenying Zhang* et al.( 作者:刘阳、郑树国*、张趁英*)(IF:1.663)
RUNX2 mutation impairs osteogenic differentiation of dental follicle cells
Archives of oral biology 2019-01-31
175、Dan Wang , Yuan-Yuan Wang* et al.( 作者:王丹、王媛媛*)(IF:1.663)
Archives of oral biology 2019-01-30
176、Shuo Chen , Yi Zhang* et al.( 作者:陈硕、张益*)(IF:1.663)
Effects of articular disc or condylar cartilage resection on mandibular growth in young rats
Archives of oral biology 2019-01-01
177、Runzhi Guo , Yunfei Zheng *, Weiran Li* et al.( 作者:郭润智、郑云飞*、李巍然*)(IF:1.595)
Archives of oral biology 2019-02-01
178、Rong Li , Yuchun Sun * et al.( 作者:李榕、孙玉春*)(IF:1.533)
Strength and Adaptation of Stereolithography-Fabricated Zirconia Dental Crowns: An In Vitro Study
The international journal of prosthodontics 2019-09-01
179、Xiaoqiang Liu , Jianguo Tan * et al.( 作者:刘晓强、谭建国*)(IF:1.531)
Step‐by‐step teaching method improves the learner achievement in dental skill training
European journal of dental education 2019-08-01
180、Yuan Meng , Deng-Gao Liu * et al.( 作者:孟圆、柳登高*)(IF:1.525)
Three-dimensional radiographic features of ameloblastoma and cystic lesions in the maxilla
Dentomaxillofacial radiology 2019-09-02
181、Ruo-Han Ma , Gang Li * et al.( 作者:马若晗、李刚*)(IF:1.525)
Application of fused image in detecting abnormalities of temporomandibular joint
Dentomaxillofacial radiology 2019-03-01
182、Guiyan Wang , Man Qin * et al.( 作者:王贵燕、秦满*)(IF:1.494)
A retrospective study of survival of 196 replanted permanent teeth in children
Dental traumatology 2019-05-29
183、Zhi-Yu Liu , Ruo-Ping Jiang * et al.( 作者:刘之宇、姜若萍*)(IF:1.476)
Korean journal of orthodontics 2019-04-30
184、Gaofeng Han , Yanheng Zhou * et al.( 作者:韩高峰、周彦恒*)(IF:1.476)
Korean journal of orthodontics 2019-02-01
185、Fei Zhao , Sheng-Lin Li* , Xi-Yuan Ge* et al.( 作者:赵菲、李盛林*、葛兮源*)(IF:1.463)
Cellular and molecular biology 2018-12-31
186、Zhen Ren , Lian Ma* et al.( 作者:任真、马莲*)(IF:1.453)
Journal of voice 2019-09-01
187、Guangju Yang , Hongwei Liu* , Qiu-Fei Xie* et al.( 作者:杨广聚、刘宏伟*、谢秋菲*)(IF:1.443)
Journal of oral & facial pain and headache 2019-07-01
188、Yang YANG , Jianguo TAN* et al.( 作者:杨洋、谭建国*)(IF:1.424)
Dental materials journal 2019-11-05
189、Chia-An Shen , Weiran Li* et al.( 作者:沈家安、李巍然*)(IF:1.351)
Enamel defects in permanent teeth of patients with cleft lip and palate: a cross-sectional study
Journal of international medical research 2019-05-01
190、Danqing He , Yannan Sun* et al.( 作者:何丹青、孙燕楠*)(IF:1.351)
Journal of international medical research 2019-04-24
191、He lin-hai , Zhang Yi* et al.( 作者:何临海、张益*)(IF:1.322)
Medical hypotheses 2019-10-17
192、Shijun Li , Zhigang Cai* et al.( 作者:李仕骏、蔡志刚*)(IF:1.286)
Acta oto-laryngologica 2019-02-01
193、Yang Liu , Qian Zhang , Feng Chen* et al.( 作者:刘洋、张倩、陈峰*)(IF:1.284)
Characteristics of the salivary microbiota in cheilitis granulomatosa
Medicina Oral Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal 2019-11-01
194、MENG-LONG HU , HONG LIN* et al.( 作者:胡孟龙、林红*)(IF:1.253)
Effect of Lasers on Dentine Hypersensitivity: Evidence From a Meta-analysis
Journal of Evidence-Based Dental Practice 2019-01-28
195、Xi Jiang , Ye Lin* et al.( 作者:蒋析、林野*)(IF:1.228)
International journal of periodontics & restorative dentistry 2019-09-18
196、Ru Sun , Lisha Sun, Zhipeng Sun* et al.( 作者:孙儒、孙丽莎、孙志鹏*)(IF:1.225)
Congenital infiltrating lipomatosis of the face: A subtype of hemifacial hyperplasia
International journal of pediatric otorhinolaryngology 2019-07-08
197、Shanshan Liang , Fusong Yuan* et al.( 作者:梁姗姗、原福松*)(IF:1.208)
High-accuracy Digital Model Design for Full Crown Tooth Preparation
International journal of computerized dentistry 2019-12-13
198、Xiaoxiao Liu , Chuan-Xiang Zhou* et al.( 作者:刘晓筱、周传香*)(IF:0.975)
International journal of surgical pathology 2019-12-02
199、Jie-ni ZHANG , Xue-dong WANG, Jiu-xiang LIN* et al.( 作者:张杰铌、王雪东、林久祥*)(IF:0.957)
Longitudinal Quantitation of Tooth Displacement in Chinese Adolescents with Normal Occlusion
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology-Medical Sciences 2019-04-01
200、Xiaoqiang Liu , Jianguo Tan* et al.( 作者:刘晓强、谭建国*)(IF:0.798)
Closing open contacts adjacent to an implant-supported restoration
Journal of Dental Sciences 2019-06-01
201、Hang Wang , Jingang An* et al.( 作者:王航、安金刚*)(IF:0.785)
Orbital Emphysema After Repair of Orbital Fracture
Journal of craniofacial surgery 2019-10-01
202、Wei-Hua Han , Juan-Hong Meng* et al.( 作者:韩玮华、孟娟红*)(IF:0.785)
Diagnosis of Bilateral Calcifications of Temporomandibular Joint Disc by Image Fusion
Journal of craniofacial surgery 2019-09-01
203、GY Song , TM Xu*, B Han* et al.( 作者:宋广瀛、许天民*、韩冰*)(IF:0.43)
Distortion and Magnification of Four Digital Cephalometric Units
Nigerian journal of clinical practice 2019-12-04