About PKU-SS



Peking University School of Stomatology was established in 1941. It began as the dental clinics of the medical college and eventually evolved into the institution as it is today, a unique combination of teaching, clinical service, research, and preventive oral care. It encompasses not only the School itself but also a renowned hospital and research institute.


Currently, the Hospital of Stomatology is composed of 15 clinical departments, 8 technical laboratories, and 5 subsidiary clinical-service departments. There are about 2,641 full-time employees, more than 632 dental units for daily clinical service, and 157 ward beds.

On average, the School sees almost 7,722 in-hospital patients annually, while the outpatient and emergency departments serve an additional 1.76 million.

Peking University School of Stomatology is an institution authorized to run the State-level Priority Program for Stomatology and build all disciplines into what can be rated as nationally best and internationally renowned. The school was rated as "A+" in the National Discipline Assessment.

The school now has 945 students, 22 Teaching & Research groups and 4 clinical practice bases. It has developed a faculty of high-level academics with rich teaching experiences and strong devotion to teaching work.

The stomatological research institute of the School was established in 1978. It contains 1 central laboratory, 13 research laboratories (clinical and basic), 11 interdisciplinary study centers, and 1 library. It also includes the State Food and Drug Administration test center for dental materials and devices. A series of municipal and national S&R platforms and bases are established here as well, such as National Clinical Research Center for Oral Diseases, National Engineering Laboratory for Digital and Material Technology in Stomatology, etc. Over the years, we have seen rapid development and progress of scientific technology in this school. Thus, the school has become a vital base dedicated to the scientific research of oral medicine.

In 1989, the School of Stomatology worked with China's central government to establish National Teeth-Loving Day and has been an active member of it for more than 30 years.

The Peking University School of Stomatology is proudly the home of four prestigious international training centers, including: IAOMS International Training Centre, based at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, AOCMF Fellowship Centre, based at the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, ITI Scholarship Centre and WHO Collaborating Centre for Research and Training in Preventative Dentistry. The School regularly invites world-renowned scholars to visit, and many distinguished outside professors are honorary members of its faculty. It has organized many of the stomatology-related international conferences and symposia. For many years, our School has been a portal to the outside world, working along a broad spectrum of international communication and fostering collaborative relationships with 48 institutions all over the world.


Our motto here at the Peking University School of Stomatology is: To serve mankind with integrity, diligence, and skill. These timeless words will continue to inspire us to forge ahead and strive for excellence, and to never cease to achieve.