Ouyang Xiangying
General Information
Title:Professor, Clinical Professor, Vice Chairman in Department of Periodontology ,PHD Supervisor
Discipline area:Periodontology; Implant dentistry
Research Profiles:
1. Etiology and Pathogenesis of periodontal disease
2. Periodontal epidemiology
3. Periodontal medicine
4. Clinical and basic research on periodontal treatment
5. Clinical and basic research on dental implant
Research Expertise
Area of Research Expertise:
1. Effect of cell receptors in pathogenesis of periodontal disease
2. Association of periodontal diseases with cardiovascular diseases
3. Periodontal regeneration and mucogingival therapy
4.Epidemiology on natural history of periodontal disease
5.Implant dentistry including soft and hard tissue reconstruction
Research Theme:
1. NLRand Toll receptors: in pathogenesis of periodontal disease; in the association of periodontal disease with cardiovascular diseases
2. Periodontal regenerative therapy: Effect of PRP, or PRF, or CGF; effect of micro-surgery
3. Muco-gingival therapy: New technique applicationand compared with VISTA technique
4. Association of periodontal diseases with cardiovascular diseases: effect of periodontal intervention on the risk of coronary heart disease
5. Longitudinal epidemiological survey on natural history of periodontal disease
6. Subgingival microbiome: inpatientswith periodontitis and gingivitis
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