Xie Qiufei
General Information
Title:Professor, Clinical Professor, PHD Supervisor
Discipline area:Prosthodontics, Oral physiology, Occlusion
Research Profiles:
1. Chronic orofacial pain
2. Occlusal problems
3. Trigeminal somatic sensation
Research Expertise
Area of Research Expertise:
1. Mechanism of occlusal interference-induced masticatory muscle pain
2. Quantitative sensory testing in orofacial region on healthy participants and TMD patients
Research Theme:
1. Mechanisms of peripheral and central sensitizations of chronic orofacial pain
2. Mechanism of pain memories facilitating occlusal interference-induced masticatory muscle hyperalgesia
3. Genistein antagonizes 17β-estradiol effects on glutamate-evoked masseter hyperalgesia in rats
4. Quantitative sensory testing in orofacial region on healthy participants and somatosensory changes in TMD patients
Academic Publications
1. Ye Cao,Qiu-feiXie*, Kai Li,Alan R Light,Kai-yuan Fu*. Experimental occlusal interference induces long-term masticatory muscle hyperalgesia in rats. Pain. 2009; 144 (3): 287-293.
2. Ye Cao, Kai Li, Kai-Yuan Fu, Qiu-FeiXie*, Chen-Yu Chiang, Barry J Sessle. Central sensitization and MAPKs are involved in occlusal interference-induced facial pain in rats. Journal of Pain, 2013; 14 (8): 793-807.
3. Guangju Yang, LeneBaad-Hansen, Kelun Wang, Qiu-FeiXie,* Peter Svensson.Effect of negative emotions evoked by light, noise and taste on trigeminal thermal sensitivity.The Journal of Headache and Pain. 2014, 15: 71.
4. Guangju Yang, LeneBaad-Hansen, Qiu-FeiXie*, Peter Svensson.A study on variability of quantitative sensory testing in healthy participants and painful temporomandibular disorder patients.Somatosensory and Motor Research.2014; 31(2): 62-71.
5. Tingting Ding, Xiao-xiang Xu, Ye Cao, Cun-Rui Liu, Ye-Hua Gan,* Qiu-FeiXie,* Inflammatory pain memory facilitates occlusal interference-induced masticatory muscle hyperalgesia in rats. European Journal of Pain 2016, 20 (3): 353–364.
6. X.X. Xu, Y. Cao*, T.T. Ding, K.Y. Fu, Y. Li, Q.F. Xie*.Role of TRPV1 and ASIC3 channels in experimental occlusal interference-induced hyperalgesia in rat masseter muscle. European Journal of Pain 2016, 20 (4): 552–563.
7. Guangju Yang, LeneBaad-Hansen, Kelun Wang, Qiu-FeiXie,* Peter Svensson Somatosensory abnormalities in Chinese patients with painful temporomandibular disorders. The Journal of Headache and Pain, 2016, 17(1), 1-11.
8. H. Meng, Y. Gao, Y. F. Kang, Y. P. Zhao, G. J. Yang, Y. Wang, Y. Cao, Y. H. Gan, Q. F. Xie1*. Molecular Changes involving MEK3-p38 MAPK Activation in Chronic Masticatory Myalgi. JDR 2016, 95 (10): 1169-1175.
9. Hui-FeiJie 1,2, Guang-Ju Yang 1,2, Rui-Yun Bi 3, Si-Yi Mo 1,2, Ye-Hua Gan 4*, Qiu-FeiXie 1,2* Genistein antagonizes 17β-estradiol effects on glutamate-evoked masseter muscle hyperalgesia in rats. Frontiers in Neurology.August 2018/Volume 9/Article 649.Doi:10.3389/fneur. 2018.00649.
10. X.X. Xu, Y.Cao,S.T.Mao, Y. Liu, Q.F. Xie.* ACC Plasticity Maintains Masseter Hyperalgesia Caused by Occlusal Interference. Journal of Dental Research 2019; 98 (5): 589-596.
Honours and Awards
Fellow of International College of Dentists (FICD) in 2018 elected aby International College of Dentists
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