研究成果:在国际著名学术期刊上以第一作者(含共同)发表SCI论文14篇,包括Advanced Materials (2024, 2025)、Matter (2025)、Advanced Functional Materials (2021)、Bioactive materials (2022, 2024)、Bone Research (2024)等,入选中国科协第十届青年托举人才工程,主持国家重点研发计划子课题等国家级项目5项,授权国际专利1项、国家发明专利6项。获评北京大学医学部博雅博士后和优秀博士后称号,获中华口腔医学会口腔科研管理分会青年科学家报告会“一等报告”、中华医学科技奖一等奖(6/10)、教育部科技奖一等奖(11/17)、中华口腔医学会科技奖一等奖(9/13)。
1) Yaru Guo et. al, Multifunctional PtCuTe nanosheets with strong ROS scavenging and ROS-independent antibacterial properties promote diabetic wound healing, Advanced Materials (Adv. Mater.). 2024, 36(8): 2306292.
2) Yaru Guo et. al, HtrA3-mediated endothelial cell-extracellular matrix crosstalk regulates tip cell specification, Advanced Functional Materials(Adv. Funct. Mater.). 2021, 31(30): 2100633.
3) Yaru Guo et. al, Matrix stiffness modulates tip cell formation through the p-PXN-Rac1-Yap signaling axis; Bioactive Materials (Bioact. Mater.). 2022, 7: 364-376.
4) Yaru Guo et. al, HtrA3 paves the way for MSC migration and promotes osteogenesis, Bioactive Materials(Bioact. Mater.). 2024, 38: 399-410.
5) Yaru Guo et. al, Role of cell rearrangement and related signaling pathways in the dynamic process of tip cell selection, Cell Communication and Signaling (Cell Commun. Signaling). 2023, 22(1): 0-24.