Meng Juanhong
General Information
Title:Associate Professor
Discipline area:Tempromandibular diseases and dental alveolar surgery
Research Profiles:
Basic and clinical research of the temporomandibular joint diseases
Research Expertise
Area of Research Expertise:
1. Research on the pathogenesis of TMJ osteoarthritis
2. The clinical and pathogenesis research onthe tumor and tumor-like disease in the temporomandibular joint
Academic Publications
1. Han WH, Meng JH*, Li G, Ma XC. Diagnosis of Bilateral Calcifications of Temporomandibular Joint Disc by Image Fusion. J Craniofac Surg. 2019; 30(7):e597-e598(Q4)
2. Wang DD, Gan YH, Ma XC, Meng JH*. [Association between ADAMTS14 gene
polymorphism and the temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis in Chinese Hanfemales]. Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences) 2018;50(2):279-283. Chinese.
3. Wu X, Wang DD, Meng JH *. Design, construction, and technical implementation of a web-based interdisciplinary symptom evaluation (WISE)-a heuristic proposal for orofacial pain and temporomandibular disorders [J]. Journal of Modern Stomatology 2018; 32 (2): 92-100 (Translation)
4. Liu K, Guo C, Guo R, Meng J*. A Giant Aneurysmal Bone Cyst in the Mandibular Condyle. J Craniofac Surg. 2017;28(2):e148-e151(Q4)
5. Meng JH, Guo YX, Luo HY, Guo CB, Ma XC. [Diagnosis and treatment of diffusetenosynovial giant cell tumor arising from temporomandibular joints]. Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences) 2016 Dec 18;48(6):1049-1054. Chinese.
6. Xiao JL, Meng JH*, Gan YH*, Li YL, Zhou CY, Ma XC. DNA methylation profiling in different phases of temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis in rats. Arch Oral Biol 2016; 68:105-15. (IF:1.735 )
7. Xiao JL, Meng JH*,Gan YH*,Zhou CY,Ma XC,Association of GDF5, SMAD3 and RUNX2 polymorphisms with temporomandibular joint osteoarthritis in female Han Chinese.,Journal of Oral Rehabilitation,2015,42(7):529-536.(IF:1.682)
8. Meng JH, Guo CB, Ma XC. [Diagnosis and treatment of the ganglion cysts andsynovial cysts arising from the temporomandibular joints]. Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences) 2014 Feb 18;46(1):43-7. Chinese.
9. Gan YH, Meng JH, Ma XC. [Genes involved in temporomandibular osteoarthritisand the relationship between estrogen and joint inflammatory pain: proceedings from Chinese researchers]. Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi XueZaZhi. 2012 Jan;47(1):26-7. Review. Chinese.
10. Zhang J, Ma XC, Jin Z, Zhao YP, Meng JH, Zeng YW. [Investigation on discposition of the temporomandibular joint in asymptomatic volunteers by magneticresonance imaging]. Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi XueZaZhi. 2009 Oct;44(10):598-600.Chinese.
11. Xian-Peng, Ge,Can, Ye-Hua,Zhang, Chen-Guang,Zhou, Chun-Yan,Ma, Kang-Tao,Meng, Juan-Hong(*),Ma, Xu-Chen(*),Requirement of the NF-kappa B pathway for induction of Wnt-5A by interleukin-1 beta in condylar chondrocytes of the temporomandibular joint: functional crosstalk between the Wnt-5A and NF-kappa B signaling pathways,Osteoarthritis and Cartilage,2011,19(1):111-117 ( IF: 3.888)
12. Meng J,Guo C,Luo H,Chen S,Ma X(*),A case of destructive calcium pyrophosphate dihydratecrystaldeposition disease of the temporomandibular joint: a diagnostic challenge.,International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery2011,40(12):1431-1437. (IF:1.302)
13. Meng, Juanhong,Guo, Chuanbin,Yi, Biao,Zhao, Yanping,Luo,Haiyan,Ma, Xuchen(*),Clinical and radiologic findings of synovial chondromatosis affecting the temporomandibular joint,Oral Surgery Oral Medicine Oral Pathology Oral Radiology and Endodontology,2010,109(3):441-448
14. Meng Juanhong, GuoChuanbin, BaoShengde, LuoHaiyan, Li Zili, Ma Xuchen (*).A case report of chondroblastoma of temporomandibular joint. Journal of Modern Stomatology 2008;(01):103.Chinese.
15. Meng JH, Zhang WL, Liu DG, Zhao YP, Ma XC. [Diagnostic evaluation of thetemporomandibular joint osteoarthritis using cone beam computed tomographycompared with conventional radiographic technology]. Journal of Peking University (Health Sciences) 2007 Feb 18;39(1):26-9. Chinese.
16. Juan Hong Meng,Wei ZHANG(*),NianHui CUI,Hai Yan LUO,Xu Chen MA,Deng Gao LIU,A Case of Primary Lymphoepithelial Carcinoma in the Palate. The Chinese Journal of Dental Research : The Official Journal of the Scientific Section of the Chinese Stomatological Association (CSA),2007,10(1):65-68。
17. Meng Juan-hong,Ma Xu-chen(*),Li Zhi-min,Wu Deng-cheng. Aquaporin-1 and aquaporin-3 expressions in the temporomandibular joint condylar cartilage after an experimentally induced osteoarthritis,Chinese Medical Journal,2007,120(24):2191-2194。
18. Meng, JH,Ma, XC(*),Ma, DL,Xu, CM,Microarray analysis of differential gene expression in temporomandibular joint condylar cartilage after experimentally induced osteoarthritis,Osteoarthritis and Cartilage2005,13(12):1115-1125.
19. Meng Juanhong,Zhang Yincheng,Hu Yongsheng(*),Tang Jingshi.,Effects of capsaicin on the Jaw-opening Reflex evoked by stimulating trigeminal nerves in adult rats.,Journal of Xi’an Medical University:Eng,1997,9(2):122-126.
20. Ge X, Ma X, Meng J, Zhang C, Ma K, Zhou C.Role of Wnt-5A in interleukin-1beta-induced matrix metalloproteinase expression in rabbit temporomandibular joint condylar chondrocytes. Arthritis Rheum. 2009;60(9):2714-22.
21. Ou XM, Jafar-Nejad H, Storring JM, Meng JH, Lemonde S, Albert PR. Novel dual repressor elements for neuronal cell-specific transcription of the rat 5-HT1A receptor gene.J Biol Chem. 2000;275(11):8161-8.
22. XuZhenqi, Wang Yixiang, Meng Juanhong, Zhang Wei, Zhao Fuyun, Liu Yu. Preliminary study on the preparation of mouse hemangioma model with recombinant adeno-associated virus carrying human vascular endothelial growth factor 121. Chinese Journal of Stomatology, 2009, 44 (3): 162-164.Chinese.
23. Wang Wenying, ZhaiXinli, Cui nianhui, Meng Juanhong, Zhang Wei. Clinical analysis of arrhythmia in radiofrequency thermocoagulation of trigeminal ganglia. Journal of Modern Stomatology; 2009, 23 (3): 255-257. Chinese.
24. Wang Wenying; Zhang Wei; ZhaiXinli; Meng Juanhong; Ding Bei. The influence of compound articaine infiltration anesthesia on blood pressure and heart rate in elderly patients with hypertension [J]; Journal of Modern Stomatology; 2008; 22 (6): 565-567.Chinese.
25. Li Jiawei, Zhang Yincheng, Ma Dong, Meng Juanhong. Study on the accessory foramen of the peripheral trigeminal branch. Journal of Modern Stomatology 2000,14 (3): 203.Chinese.
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