Wang Lei
General Information
Title:Associate Professor, Associate Chief Physician, Master Supervisor
Discipline area:Tooth development, Micro Invasion Prosthodontic Techniques
Research Profiles:
1. The mechanics of tooth development especially the tooth hard tissue, and their influence factors.
2. Micro Invasion Prosthodontic Techniques (MIPT) development and their application in dental prosthodontic clinical practice.
Research Expertise
Research Theme:
1. We investigate the dental enamel development by identify the role of ameloblast and their functional molecules in genetics. Ameloblast cell lines, LS8 and ALP cell, were used. Some synthesized functional molecules with lineal or fan-shaped or dendric structures were designed and investigated for enamel regeneration.
2. In clinic practice, we also developed some micro-invasive prosthodontic methods using digital means such as sectional veneer, digital procedure and modified implant surgical template to minimalize the trauma of patient and maximized the prosthodontic outcome.
Academic Publications
1. Yang S , He H , Wang L , Jia XR , Feng HL . Oriented Crystallization of Hydroxyapatite by the Biomimic Amelogenin Nanospheres from the Self-Assemblies of Amphiphilic Dendrons . Chem. Commun . 2011 , 47,10100-10102
2. Ge YJ, Feng, HL, Wang L. Application of a Novel Resorbable Membrane in the Treatment of Calvarial Defects in Rats. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 2011, 22 (18): 2417-2429 (13) ( SCI IF=1.87)
3. Xie LB,Wang L,Jia XR,Kuang GC,Yang S,Feng HL. Effects of glutamic acid shelled PAMAM dendrimers on the crystallization of calcium phosphate in diffusion systems. Polymer Bulletin .2011. (66): 119–132.(SCI IF=1.22)
4. Wang L, Bai W, Feng HL, Jia XR. [Biomimetics of crystal texture in dental enamel prism by self-assembly oligopeptide]. Beijing University Xue Bao. 2007. 39 (1): 46-9.
5. Gong P, Wang L, Tan Z, Song Y. The relationship between osseointegration and distribution of collagen I and III in peri-implant tissue. The Chinese Journal of Dental Research. 2003, 6 (2): 20-24
Honours and Awards
1. The 11th national congress of dental prosthodonticac ademy. (July. 2018, Changchun, China)
2. Execellent poster Prize, the 6th national congress of dental prosthodontic academy.(Oct. 2009, Shanghai, China)
3. Travel Award, International Association of Dental Research, China Section. (Sep, 2007, Wuhan, China)
last text: Wang Yuguang
next text: Zhang Lei