Department of Preventive Dentistry
The Department of Preventive Dentistry of Peking University School of Stomatology was found in the year 1980, it was the first to set up the department of preventive dentistry in China. It has become a four-in-one department of dental clinics, dental education, academic research and dental prevention, continue to be in the leading position in the Chinese preventive dentistry.
The clinical characteristics of the department of preventive dentistry includes hospital clinical work and the community work. The hospital clinical work includes the diagnosis and treatment of dental caries, endodontic diseases and periodontal diseases, caries management of high-risk groups, oral diseases prevention and oral health education. The work in the communities refers to a comprehensive prevention and managed of oral disease in preschool children, such as regular oral health education and promotion, regular oral examination, pit and fissure sealant, professional application of topical fluoride, early diagnosis and treatment of oral diseases of young children and preschool children, and establish the oral health records in community and carry out oral health education and health promotion.
As the first-class teaching base in China, the department provided professional education at classes and clinics for undergraduates, graduates and continuing education fellows from all over the country. It also holds national projects of continuing education. The department is the first doctorate degree warding unit of preventive dentistry in China. The Department of Preventive Dentistry is chief editing department for the textbook Preventive Dentistry edition 1 to 5, published by the People's Medical Publishing House.
The department of preventive dentistry also undertook great social responsibilities. We participated the national oral health standards formulation and planning, provided consultancy for national oral health policies and national oral disease prevention projects. We organized and participated the national ' Love Teeth Day ' campaigns, and organized the first to the fourth national oral health epidemiological surveys, participated the work in Chinese Stomatology Association and China Oral Health Foundation. The Department of Preventive Dentistry is also the only World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for the Research and Training in Preventive Dentistry (CHN-26) in the Asia Pacific Region, carried out a series of the national dental public health project, delivered a great work of the effectiveness evaluation of oral prevention programmes, and provided high-level dental public health human resources for our country.
Director: Prof. Zheng Shu-guo
Vice Directors: Dr Si Yan, Dr Liu Xue-nan
Doctors: 19
Nurses: 11
Others: 2
Floor 6, Zong-he Building, Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology
Disciplines and specialties
1. Oral Health Epidemiology Survey
2. Oral disease prevention and oral health promotion
3. Community oral care
4. Caries management of high-risk population
5. Comprehensive prevention and treatment of oral diseases in children, especially caries diagnosis in young children, dental trauma sequence treatment, occlusion guidance in children
6. Caries and endodontic disease management in adults
7. Clinical trials in dental preventive cares
Research achievements and interests
The national, provincial and ministerial level of scientific research findings supported a number of major oral preventive research projects. Many outstanding researches were carried out and delivered high-level academic achievements, with a strong influence in the field of Chinese preventive dentistry.
1. National oral health surveys (participated and provided guidance for the first to the fourth national surveys)
2. Oral public health policy related research (Oral disease prevention and planning, national oral health human resource planning, oral health economics, and oral disease burdens)
3. Research on comprehensive prevention and control of dental caries in young children
4. Salivary biomarkers of oral diseases and its association with systematic diseases
5. Pathogenesis and comprehensive prevention and treatment of oral dysplasia
6. Research on the population development
Phone Number:82195593

Address:Floor 6, Comprehensive Building
last text: Department of Orthodontics
next text: Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Oral Medicine