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“zero-distance” multidisciplinary teleconsultation of difficult oral conditions between Beijing and Tibet has been carried out smoothly



On December 16, 2020, multidisciplinary experts from Peking University School of Stomatology have conducted a teleconsultation for a young female patient from Tibet with People's Hospital of Tibet Autonomous Region. The consultation has been centered on conditions that have been afflicting this patient for nearly 20 years, including maxillofacial deformities, inability to open the mouth and occlusal disorders, with an aim of helping her improve her appearance, reconstruct the functions, and restore her to a normal life.

In September 2020, thanks to the great efforts of Chen Li, a cadre sent to aid Tibet from Peking University School of Stomatology, an online consultation platform for difficult oral conditions has been set up between Peking University School of Stomatology and People's Hospital of Tibet Autonomous Region. The case mentioned above is the first case of teleconsultation carried out through this platform.

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