He Lu
General Information
Title: Clinical Professor
Discipline area:
1. Relationship of periodontitis and systemic disease or condition (diabetes, metabolic syndrome, preterm and low birth weight)
2. Diagnosis and treatment of halitosis
Research Profiles:
1. Epidemiology, risk genetics, inflammation mediators and prevention effect on inter-relation between periodontitis and diabetes
2. Diagnosis, treatment , psychologic profile on halitosis patients
Research Expertise
Area of Research Expertise:
1. Relationship of periodontitis and systemic disease or condition (diabetes, metabolic syndrome, preterm and low birth weight)
2. Diagnosis and treatment of halitosis
Research Theme:
Periodontal medicine, Halitosis
Academic Publications
1. Cao X, Huo P, Li W, Li P, He L*, Meng H.Interactions among moderate/severe periodontitis, ADIPOQ-rs1501299, and LEPR-rs1137100 polymorphisms on the risk of type 2 diabetes in a Chinese population.Arch Oral Biol. 2019;103:26-32.
2. Lu H, Zhao Y, Feng X, He L*, Meng H. Microbiome in maintained periodontitis and its shift over a single maintenance interval of 3 months.J Clin Periodontol. 2019; 46(11):1094-1104.
3. Li W, Cao Xiao, He L*,etal.TLR4 polymorphisms may increase susceptibility to periodontitis in Pg-positive individuals. Peer J, 2019, 7: e7828.
4. Lu H, He L, et al. The effect of supragingival glycine air polishing on periodontitis during maintenance therapy: a randomized controlled trial. PeerJ, 2018, 6: e4371.
5. WangJ, He Lu*. Comparison of the psychological condition of Chinese patients with or without halitosis complaints. Chin J Dent Res 2018;21(1):9-19.
6. Xu J,Meng HX, He L, et al.The Effects of Initial Periodontal Therapy on the Serum Receptor Activator of Nuclear Factor-κβ Ligand/Osteoprotegerin System in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Periodontitis.J Periodontol, 2016, 87(3): 303-311.
7. Pei X, He L, et al. Proposing a novel ,three level definition of periodontitis using probing depth, clinical attachment level and bleeding on probing: analysis of a rural chinese population Chi J Dent Res 2017, 20(2): 89-96.
8. Pei XY, OuyangXY, He L,et al. A 4-year prospective study of the progression of periodontal disease in a rural Chinese population. J Dent, 2015,43(2):192-200.
9. P Li, L He, YQ Sha, et al. Relationship of metabolic syndrome to chronic periodontitis. J Periodontol 2009; 80(4):541-549.
10. T Nagasawa, M Kiji, R Yashiro, D Hormdee, L He, et al. Roles of receptor activator of nuclear factor-κB ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin in periodontal health and disease. Periodontology 2000 2007; 43 (1):65–84.
11. Li P, He L, Sha YQ,et al. Periodontal status of patients with post-acute myocardial infarction.J Peking Univ (health science). 2013,18;45 (1):22-26.
12. Liao YT, He L, Meng HX, et al. Detection of periodontal pathogens from saliva of type 2 diabetic patients in urban area of Beijing. Chin J Stomatol, 2013; 48(3):144-149.
13. Wang J, He L, Liu TT. Study on self-reported halitosis and the associated factors in patients in a periodontal clinic. J Peking Univ (health science). 2012, 44(2):295-298.
Honours and Awards
2nd prize , research (relationship of periodontitis and diabetes& coronary artery disease) , CSA awards for Medical Progress in Science and Technology, 2014
2nd prize, research (relationship of periodontitis and diabetes/effect of prevention of periodontal disease on systemic parameters), Beijing science and technology Awards, 2014
2nd prize, research (relationship of periodontitis and diabetes & coronary artery disease), HuaXia medical Awards for Medical Progress in Science and Technology, 2014
1st prize, poster competition, (effect of transforming growth factor on interleukin 11 production in periodontal tissue), FDI, 2006
last text: Tang Zhihui
next text: Hou Jianxia