
visits: 3571

Hu Wenjie

General Information

1. Professor
2. Vice Dean
3. Director of Specialist Alliance for Periodontics, National Center for Stomatology
4. Vice President of Standing Committee of Periodontology
5. Vice President of Society of Stomatological Education, Chinese Stomatological Association
6. Member of Standing Committee of Implant Dentistry
7. Representative of China for Asia Pacific Society of Periodontology
8. Fellow of International Team for Implantology (ITI)

Discipline area:Periodontology



Research Profiles:

1. Multidisciplinary comprehensive treatment and design of periodontal diseases and peri-implant diseases

2. Dental soft and hard tissue augmentation

3. Implantology

4. Aesthetics

5.the role of CBCT in the diagnosis and treatment of periodontal disease

6. Oral microbiome

7. Biomaterials for oral tissue regeneration 

Research Expertise

Research Theme:

Broad research interests encompass soft and hard tissue augmentation, implantology, aesthetics, oral microbiome and dental Images

Academic Publications

Selected publications

1. Wei Y, Zhao L, Zhang H, Han Z, Hu W*, Xu T*. Ridge preservation in periodontally compromised molar sockets with and without primary wound closure: a comparative controlled clinical trial. Clin Oral Implants Res, 2024 Jan;35(1): 131-139.

2. Yuan S, Wei Y, Jiang W, Sun F, Li S, Li Q, Song Z, Liu Z, Mo Y, Wang X, Li N, Lv P, She S, Wang C, Zhang Y, Wang Y*, Hu W*. CCR2 is a potential therapeutic target in peri-implantitis. J Clin Periodontol. 2024 Mar;51(3): 354-364.

3. Zhang H, Xu T, Wei Y, Wei N, Han Z, Hu W*. Assessment of soft and hard tissue changes following micro crestal flap-Alveolar ridge preservation and augmentation at molar extraction sites in patients with stage III/IV periodontitis: A randomized controlled trial. J Clin Periodontol. 2024 Jul 23.

4. Jiang W, Xu T, Yuan S, Wei Y, Song Z, Li Q, She S, Wang X, Wang C, Yang G, Cao J, Sun F, Shi M, Li S, Liu Z, Mo Y, Lv P, Zhang Y, Wang Y*, Hu W*. Critical roles for CCR2 and the therapeutic potential of cenicriviroc in periodontitis: A pre-clinical study. J Clin Periodontol. 2022 Nov;49(11): 1203-1216. 

5. Xu YG, Wei N, Zhang JX, Wang C, Zhang YL, Hu WJ*, Chung KH. Layperson assessment of smile lines and upper lip combined images in smile esthetics. J Prosthet Dent. 2024 Mar 21: S0022-3913(24)00131-8.

last text: Luan Qingxian

next text: Tang Zhihui