

Xu Li

General Information


Discipline area:Periodontology, Peri-implanttissue and Peri-implant disease


Research Profiles:

1. Periodontal tissue infection and drug clinical trial

2. Etiology and Pathogenic mechanism of Periodontal Diseases and general or local risk factors

3. Periodontally Accelerated Osteogenic Orthodontics (PAOO) and periodontal tissue regenerative surgery in patients with skeletal Angle Class III or II

4. The Multi-disciplinary treatment on severe such as aggressive periodontitis patients

5. Non-surgery and surgery treatment on patient with Peri-implant disease

Academic Publications

1. Jing WD, Xu L*, Xu X, Hou JX, Li XT. Association between Periodontal Biotype and Clinical Parameters: A Cross-sectional Study in Patients with Skeletal Class III Malocclusion. Chin J Dent Res 2019;22:9-19.

2. Da Lü, Huanxin Meng, Li Xu*, Xian'e Wang, Li Zhang, and Yu Tian Root abnormalities and nonsurgical management of generalized aggressive periodontitis.Journal of Oral Science, Vol. 59, No. 1, 103-110, 2017.

3. Xianghui Feng , Lilei Zhu , Li Xu ,*, Huanxin Meng , Li Zhang , Xiuyun Renc, Ruifang Lu , Yu Tiana, Dong Shi, Xiane Wang. Distribution of 8 periodontal microorganisms in family members of Chinese patients with aggressive periodontitis. Archives oforalbiology 60 (2015 ) 400–407.

4. Da Lu, Huanxin Meng, LiXu*., Ruifang Lu, LiZhang, ZhibinChen, Xianghui Feng, New Attempts to Modify Periodontal Risk Assessment for Generalized Aggressive Periodontitis: A Retrospective Study. Journal of Periodontol  2013 ;84:1536-1545.

5. Rui Fang LU, Li XU*, Huan Xin MENG, Kai Ning LIU. Treatment of generalised aggressive periodontitis:a 4-year follow-up case report. The Chinese Journal of Dental Research 2012, 15(2):1-7.

6. Min ZHOU, Li XU*, Huan Xin MENG. Diagnosis and Treatment of a Hereditary Gingival Fibromatosis. The Chinese Journal of Dental Research. 2011, 14(2):155-158.

last text: Ouyang Xiangying

next text: Luan Qingxian