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Department of Periodontology


The department was established in the early 1950s with the responsibility of  providing exemplary clinical service, high quality education and excellent scientific research on periodontal diseases.

There are 7 professors/clinical professors and 7 associate professors/clinical associate professors among a total of 30 faculties and more than 93% of them hold Doctor’s degree.

The department has 34 dental units with a capacity of providing clinical services to approximately 300 outpatients per day, simultaneously providing oral health care for VIP.

The department, which is the first one in China, offers master and doctoral degree and postgraduate programs of Periodontology.
In addition, the department is the chief-editor units of national textbook of Periodontology.

National Periodontal Continuing Education Training Center and Dental Clinical Drug Research Center of the State Food and Drug Administration are also affiliated to our department. The department is undertaking a number of national research projects supported by about 10 million research funding and about 60 papers in English have been published.

Clinical specialty
The department is responsible for exemplary and high-quality therapy for periodontal diseases and also focuses on interdisciplinary treatment including Endodontics, Orthodontics, Prosthetics and Maxillofacial Surgery.

The aim of our therapy is to obtain long-term and stable curative effect.

We developed several unprecedented and innovative clinical strategies in China to monitor the active period for destructed periodontal tissues in 1980s and Guided Periodontal Tissue Regeneration, Mucogingival Surgery, Bone Graft Procedures in 1990s.

We have already employed implant technology to solve the lost teeth problem due to periodontal diseases, which integrated diverse approaches such as periodontal treatment, periodontal maintenance therapy, implant and prosthetic treatment.

The department keeps comprehensive and higher lever diagnosis and treatment for difficult cases, such as Papillon-Lefevre Syndrome, Mouth-Face-Refers Syndrome, Prepubertal Periodontitis, Leukemia, Corhn’s Syndrome, Lymphoma, Histiocytosis, Phosphatase hyperlipidemia and even Gums Tuberculosis with more than 95% accuracy.


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