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Department of Pediatric Dentistry


The Department of Pediatric Dentistry, founded in 1951, combines clinical service, teaching, and research.


It was the first department of its kind in China to grant higher degrees or provide continuing education.


It is also the chief editing body of the state-authorized textbook on the subject.

The department currently has a total of 34 faculty members, nearly all of whom hold postgraduate degrees.


There are 27 dental units, 1 independent dental laboratory, and 2 general-anesthesia operatories.


Typical clinical service features: the prevention and treatment of dental caries and other dental problems in children and adolescents, including those with disabilities or genetic or systemic disorders and diseases; treatment of endodontic and periapical diseases; treatment of developmental disturbances of the teeth; management of dental trauma; management of developing occlusion, etc.—using minimally invasive techniques whenever possible.


Average outpatient capacity is around 250 per day.

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