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Department of Prosthodontics


Established in 1941, Department of Prosthodontics has the same age as PKUSS.

In 1984, the Academic Degree Committee of the State Council approved it as one of the first Doctorate Program in China.

Being one of the biggest Departments in the School, Department of Prosthodontics has built on its excellence in Prosthodontic education, and patient care with the up-to-date dental science and technology, and also creates a team that is very strong in research. Currently the department is designated as National Key Discipline or Specialty for its leading role in China and for its excellence in patient care, teaching, and researches.

More than 80% of the doctors in the department hold doctoral degrees. More than 50% doctors have experience of studying abroad over a year and there are 9 certificated mentors for the PhD training program.

Two doctors respectively serve as the immediate past president and vice president of Chinese Prosthodontic Society; Two doctors serve as the president, and vice president of Chinese Society of Oral Computer Science; One doctor serves as president of Chinese Society of Dental Technology; One doctor serves as vice president of National Board of Dental Examiners of China; More than 20 doctors serve as commissioners or standing commissioners for these Chinese Societies affiliated to Chinese Stomatological Association. Over 10 doctors work for the editorial board of international and Chinese peer-reviewed journals.One doctor is the fellow of International College of Dentists (ICD); one is the director of Asian Academy of Prosthodontics (AAP); many doctors are members of IADR, International College of Prosthodontists (ICP), and International Team for Implantology (ITI).

There are many staff who have been honored with many state-level and municipal-level awards.

All in all, since the founding of the department, many staff have created many innovative achievements and have made great contributions which facilitate the development of prosthodontic discipline of China.

The mission of our department is always to improve and advance the life qualities of our people through its excellence in patient care, education, and research in prosthodontic field. We hope to collaborate with all academic, professional, and enterprise colleagues, domestic and international, for the prospective future of our prosthodontic discipline.

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