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浏览次数: 4113


  1. 基本信息


  2. 研究方向及专长


  3. 教育经历

  1983-1988年 河北医科大学口腔医学院 本科

  1991-1994年 北京医科大学口腔医学院 硕士

  4. 发表文章

  (1) Yang Yu, Xiaoling Wang, Chunling Ge, Bing Wang, Chuoyue Cheng, Ye-Hua Gan.

  Effects of rinsing with arginine bicarbonate and urea solutions on initial enamel lesions in situ. Oral Dis 2017,23:353-359.

  (2) Xiaoling Wang, Chuoyue Cheng, Chunling Ge, Bing Wang, Yehua Gan. Consumption of

  baked nuts or seeds reduces dental plaque acidogenicity after sucrose challenge. Am J Dent 2016; 29:145-148.

  (3)Xiaoling Wang, Chuoyue Cheng, Chunling Ge, Bing Wang, Yehua Gan. Urea Rinse effectively Neutralises Sucrose-induced Decrease in Plaque pH. Chin J Dent Res, 2015;18(3):171-176.

  (4)Xiaoling Wang, Chuoyue Cheng, Dong Peng, Bing Wang, Yehua Gan. Inhibition of acidogenicity in dental plaque by sodium fluoride solution after sucrose rinse. Chin J Dent Res, 2013,16 (2):137-144.

  (5) Xiaoling Wang, Chuoyue Cheng, Dong Peng, Bing Wang, Yehua Gan. Dental Plaque pH Recovery Effect of Arginine Bicarbonate Rinse In Vivo. Chin J Dent Res, 2012,15 (2):115-120.

  (6)Shan Zhang, Xiao-Ling Wang, Ye-Hua Gan and Sheng-Lin Li. Activation of c-Jun N-terminal kinase is required for mevastatin-induced apoptosis of salivary adenoid cystic carcinoma cells. Anti-Cancer Drugs 2010, Vol 21 No 7: 678-686.

  (7)Xiaoling Wang, Wenlong Song, Yehua Gan, Chuoyue Cheng, Chunjie Xia, Peng Jiang , Xuliang Deng, Taolei Sun, Lei Jiang. Superhydrophobic modification of hydroxyapatite decreased in vitro Streptococcus mutans adhesion and calcium dissolving. Chin J Dent Res, 2009, 12(1):15~20.

  (8)Xiaoling Wang, Wei Hu, Chuoyue Cheng, Yao Ge, Yehua Gan. Lower fluoride-, calcium- and phosphate- containing rinse more effectively enhances fluoride uptake in plaque than NaF rinse. Chin J Dent Res, 2009,12(2):1~6.

  5. 参编教材

  (1) 高学军主编,《临床龋病学》(第2版)。北京:北京大学医学出版社,2013年。

  (2) 徐韬主编,《预防口腔医学》(第2版)。北京:北京大学医学出版社,2013年。


  6. 学术团体


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